Monkey Type Official website
This is a website for learning and practicing English typing tests for the sole purpose of increasing the overall total typed words per minute. You can, also, choose the language you want to practice typing on. For example, if you want to type in Arabic, you can choose Arabic. To visit the website, please click on the link below:
Sejda Free Online PDF editor
Sejda online editor is a tool that can be used to edit PDFs and save the changes. It is among the best tools out there that can be used online and for free. To visit the website, please click on the link below:
CCNA Free Course by Jeremy Lab YouTube Channel
This is an amazing, detailed tutorial of CCNA for those who want to either learn or refresh the concepts of CCNA. It talks about CCNA in detail and walks you through all the important topics.
To visit and start learning, please click on the link below:
Over API Website
This is a website where you will find a collection for many programming languages that you can use as a reference while developing and coding.
To visit and explore this amazing website, please click on the link below:
JavaScript Tutorials 2024 by Bro Code
This is one of the most amazing and down to point youtube channels that explain how the JavaScript code can be written. It is an amazing series of YouTube tutorials that can easily make you get started and start learning.
To visit the Series, please click on the link below:
Denni Ivy Django Ecommerce Website Series
This is a short series for beginners to start working on building a simple Ecommerce Website with Django as a backend and Vanilla JavaScript. It is composed of 6 videos. To start watching the series, please click on the link below:
Django Class-Based Views Tutorials
This is a series of YouTube videos that walk you through the basics of using Class-Based views in Django. It is a beginner friendly and can help you understand the difference between Function-Based Views and Class-Based Views.
To Start watching, please click on the link below:
Django ORM Mastery Series
This is a playlist on youtube channel walking you through all the different stages of mastering the django ORM. It is crucial and contains a lot of stuff to keep in mind and master Django ORM. The playlist contains 25 series and they are all useful and straight to the point.
To visit and explore, please click on the link below:
Dave Gray Python For beginners
Even though the title suggests It is for beginners, but I highly recommend gaining some knowledge regarding the basics of Python before watching this amazing tutorial of python.
It contains some crucial ideas, especially about OOP, object-oriented-programming, in python and the explanation is extremely useful.
To view and start watching the series of this amazing lecturer, please click on the link below:
mypy library for typing hints and checking
This is a python library that is not built-in and it allows you to check the datatypes and whether they match or not. It generates an error when compiling in case if a mismatch is typed.
To visit the website of mypy documentation, please click on the link below:
PostgreSQL Database Tutorial Website
This is a website that explains PostgreSQL concepts in a brief and straight forward way. For those who are interested in learning the basics of PostgreSQL database, I highly recommend this website for them.
To Visit and explore more about PostgreSQL, please click on the link below:
DuckDuckGo website
This is an amazing web browser with useful features such as email protection where you can register and protect your email via creating a duck account that checks for spam and tracks before forwarding the email to your real account.
To visit and learn more about this, please click on the link below:
pingdom official website
This is a website where you can simply test speed and performance of your website. In case if you get a negative value, it means the targeted website is applying some firewall policies such as preventing pinging and acknowledgement.
To visit the website and start testing your website speed and performance, please click on the link below:
QUIZIZZ Official website
This is a website where you can register for free and also, have the ability to upgrade to premium in case if you want to become a member. QUIZIZZ is a website giving you the opportunity to create quizzes and lessons and trusted by over 90% of American teachers.
To visit and create a standard account and explore, please click on the link below: Online Downloader
This is an amazing online service where you can simply paste your YouTube link and download it online with different resolutions and formates.
You can also switch between English and Arabic by replacing en with ar.
To visit and explore more about this website, please click on the link below:
Elzero Web School TypeScript Course
This is a very useful Tutorial list for those who want to learn typescript and a good start to grasp the basic knowledge of working with typescript and what should be covered before moving forward.
To visit and start learning, please click on the link below:
Free MySQL Hosting Online Service
Free MySQL Hosting is a service online where you can simply apply for a free account and then, create an account, which through, you can make a MySQL database with limited storage capacity. It is good for online testing and for development. The maximum free storage space given is 500 MB.
To learn more about this service, please click on the link below:
Expensify Official Website
Expensify is a free for individuals and on paid plans for business. It is an amazing application for tracking expenses and making reports based on the end user desire.
To visit and learn more about this amazing online service, please click on the link below:
pyscript Official Website
pyscript is the language enabling the usage of Python on web browser. it has been officially released on March 1th, 2023. To learn more about it and gain some experience, you can visit their official website and create an account and start working. To visit, please click on the link below: Official Website
This is a website that allows you to explore and subscribe for free and paid virtual numbers for personal or business use. To learn more about this amazing service, please click on the link below:
moakt Temporarily Email Service
This is a service that enables you to create a temp email for the purpose of avoiding your actual ones. The goal here is that your email will never be exposed to advertisements and social media sharing. It is simple and fairly straight forward.
To Learn more about it, please click on the link below:
Corey Schafer Pandas Tutorials
This is a series of Tutorials Explaining in depth how to utilize Pandas in data analysis. To visit and start learning Pandas from scratch, please click on the link below:
PHP Online Compiler on Tutorial Points Website
This is an online Compiler for PHP where you can practice simple coding and also, test what you want online without the need to install PHP.
To view and start using the compiler online, please click on the link below.
Elzero Web School PHP Campaign Full Course
This is an amazing Step by Step tutorial for those who are interested in learning PHP from scratch. To visit and Start learning, please click on the link below:
MySQL Tutorials -31 Quick and Brief Lessons
This is a playlist for beginners on how to work with MYSQL Database and also, walks you through a lot of concepts to be familiar with. I highly recommend it as they are straightforward practical tutorials.
To visit and Start learning, please click on the link below:
This is an under-construction website where I will be sharing some tutorials and lessons for those interested in learning Programming and Networking.
To visit the website, please click on the link below:
Victor Freitas Official Website
This is one of the most amazing website I have ever seen that talks about Django in depth and simple ways. I highly recommend those who are interested in learning this technology to give it a try as it walks you through all steps from zero to hero. To visit the website, please click on the link below
html-css-js free online Editor
html-css-js is an online editor that allows you to experiment and try code. In addition to editing online code and testing it out, it has some basic lessons about each language to help viewers remember syntax. With no further ado, to visit the website, please click on the link below:
لكل من يرغب في تعلم أساسيات لغة الفيو جا أس من مدرسة موقع الصفر
لكل من يرغم في تعلم لغة ال فيو جا اس, إليكم كورس يحتوى على كل ما يجب عليك معرفة لبدأ التعامل مع هذه اللغة الرهيبه و المعمولة أصلا باللغة الجافا سكريبت. لزيارة القناة و البدأ في التحصيل المعرفي لهذه اللغة, الرجاء الضغط على الزر بالاسفل. بالتوفيق للجميع
Free Code Camp Website
Free Code Camp Website is a way of learning freely different kind of languages, whether frontend or backend ones. It is extremely powerful where a student can simply read a small article and apply an exercise before moving forward.
To visit and start learning from this amazing online free website, please click on the link below:
Learning PHP the right way, from Beginner to Advance
The following link takes you to a very intensive tutorial about learning the PHP language the right way, it is detailed and clear. To visit, please click on the link below:
Remove Background and make Image Transparent for .jpg and .png image types
This is a website where you can upload your desired image and remove the background color, making it transparent. It is free. You can simply upload and click remove background and you will immediately see the results.
to visit the website, please click on the link below:
Vue JS 3 Tutorials for beginners
For those who want to get started in learning Vue JS 3, This youtube channel is amazingly wonderful to begin. To visit the playlist of the Vue JS 3 tutorials, please click on the link below:
تعلم للغة البايثون بالعربي مع حسونة أكادمي
يتضمن الملف التالي حلقة وصل على قائمة للشروحات المفصلة من قناة حسونة أكادمي على اليوتيوب و فيها كل ما يخص المفاهيم الاساسية لتعلم لغة البايثون. لزيارة الموقع, يمكن كبس الزر بالاسفل:
Python 3 Basic Tutorials for Beginners
This is a straight forward tutorials that can lead you to be comfortable with the basics of Python3. To visit the channel, please click on the link below:
JavaScript Bin Online website Compiler
This is a website where you can test code using JS, CSS, and HTML. It is useful to practice and learning something new.
To visit the Website, please click on the link below:
This is one of the most famous websites for typing tests and increase ones speed eventually. To visit the website, please click on the link below: Chess Online
This is an Online Chess Website where you can play and learn chess and can be coached if you want to. To visit the website and subscribe, please click on the link below:
This is another great site for those who are interested in learning something new regarding web development, whether front or backend. It is an amazing educative source and full of examples and illustrations to facilitate understanding.
To visit this website, please click on the link below:
Sweet Alert 2
This is the official github website for Sweet Alert 2. It is an amazing JavaScript library to use and implement in your projects.
To visit and learn more about Sweet Alert 2, please click on the link below:
Real Python
This is one of the website where you will get a chance to explore different kind of Python codes and syntax, probably things you have not tried before. To start your adventure, please click on the link below
Code Pen io online HTML, CSS, and JS Editor
Code Sand Box io Online
This is an online editor for several languages. Personally, I found it very important to create prototypes of your project or a way to design something quickly for the purpose of sharing educating.
To visit and learn more about this amazing online service, please click on the link below:
W3School Official Website
An amazing website with a lot of tutorials and exercises. Most of the time, it is a highly recommended website for beginners to learn any language whether front or backend. To visit and learn more about the website, please click the link below:
Computer PDF Website
This website is basically a free website that contains a variety of tutorials and lessons regarding backend, and databases languages. It is completely free and educating. To visit and take a glim at what this site contains, please click on the link below:
TypeScript language Free Educational Website
This is a website with online compiler for the sole purpose of learning TypeScript in addition to other Microsoft languages such as ASP.NETCORE. to visit and start learning, please click on the link below:
Mackaroo Fields Data Generator Website
This website is very useful for generating random data and using them on your database during testing. To visit the website, please click on the link below:
Geeks For Geeks
A Website that gives direct examples in Python and other languages.
very straight forward and educative Blog.
To visit, please click the link Sample below:
Python and Django Tutorials by Corey Schafer
One of the best YouTube channels explaining in depth about the basics of Python Programming language and also, giving you clear ideas about other frameworks that implement Python as their backend language.
to visit the YouTube Channel, please click the link Below:
Nasser Tabook Official YouTube Channel
For beginners in the world of IT, I highly recommend visiting the following channel because it contains a brief and straight forward explanation for a lot of the newly introduced concept in the world of Technology, especially Web Development.
To visit the Channel, please click on the link below:
guru99 Free Tutorials and Lessons is an amazing website that contains a lot of free courses about backend languages.
In addition to backend languages, it also talks about Databases and other Operating Systems. To visit and gain knowledge, please click on the link below: Online Linux and Python Editor
One of the available and free online Editors to practice and make projects in Linux and Python 3. It is very productive and can save you a lot of time.
please visit the link below to learn more...... Online Compiler
This is one of the best online compilers.
it is for free, and you have the right to create your own personal account and save projects online or download them to your local machine.
It can compile a lot of languages; Python, C#, C++, etc.
One of its wonderful features is that you can create an account and save projects online and easily can access any project at anytime.
To visit and enjoy this wonderful service, please click the link below
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